Miscellany with homilies and prayers [microform], [179-?].


Miscellany with homilies and prayers [microform], [179-?].

Miscellany in 4 parts, separately foliated. First part, homilies and prayers, predominantly homilies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Theodore Studites. Leaf 200a, three Greek troparia written in Cyrillic script. Second portion (7 unfoliated leaves), collections of rules for priests, chronologies and notes on the seven Ecumenical Councils, troparia and various notes. Third part, 55 leaves with homilies (8 leaves from the beginning are missing). Fourth part (modern foliation) contains prayers, including 12 prayers of St. Basil the Great (leaves 1-16b). Leaves 18-26, degrees of relationship and forbidden marriages, written by Manūilʺ Ksantinʺ (the archivist of in the main church). Leaves 26 through the end, prayers. Incomplete (the beginning is missing).

1 v. (295 leaves) ; 15 cm.

Related Entities

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Narodna biblioteka "Kiril i Metodiĭ."

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